Art by Ewan "Pyromaniac" McGregor
Written by Alexander Whiteside
Co-written by Jonathan "Riddle Me This" Whiteside
Various Unspecified Things by Colin Whiteside
Original Idea by Iain Snell. Blame him, not us.
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Your regularly scheduled odd graphic novel will resume once
we get the chance to figure out what's happening in the next
chapter, and I have some time to plan it. I've been attempting
to write scripts, but they've been turning out badly, as they're largely
pointless linking segments, linking uneventful events. Like the
last chapter. D'oh. I really do think that restarting the thing is a
viable option. BTW, I'd post this on the LJ, but it's down, and I
can't find any of you online to discuss this with.

Boilerplate: ICFF (C) 2004 Ewan McGregor, Alexander Whiteside and Jonathan Whiteside
ICFF will take no responsibility for any damage caused to the psyche as a result of reading this comic.

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