Art by Ewan "Pyromaniac" McGregor
Written by Alexander Whiteside
Co-written by Jonathan "Riddle Me This" Whiteside
Various Unspecified Things by Colin Whiteside
Original Idea by Iain Snell. Blame him, not us.
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Well....Hmmm...ohh Dear

I want a hat! But apparently bowlers aren't cool, or swish enough for Ewan so I am only allowed to wear one for my characters first few appearences. These won't be for a while yet so its really a mute point, but seeing as I myself would wear a bowler, it is consistent!

Also I'm supposed to be writting next weeks comic and the ones after for a while, but due to essays, essays and reflective log entries I need to catch up with I'm not going to be able to, until December 17th anyway.

Well its my birthday next Tuesday, I'm another year closer to death and finally 18 years on this world. Not that its important in the alcohol sense but more in the "yay I'm actually an adult!" one. And as to Alice naked, well ask Ewan...I wanted lingerie to begin with............


The hell you did.

You were the one who suggested using naked Alice instead. I would have been perfectly happy with lingere.

And you only claim that this character design is less cool because your understanding of the concept "cool" is based entirely upon Batman villans.

Also, I wish to make it painfully clear to you that if you attempt to release the uncensored version of that image on the internet I will be forced to do something you'll regret later.

And you've put it in paint and made it all ugly and stuff. Get a proper drawing program.

You suck.

- Pyro


May I remind you Ewan that an Inspector gadget esque hat and coat along with long greasy hair are not exactly the hieght of fashion. At least not in any sense outside the doomed angsty nerdy, thinks-he's-an-assasin world. So Nyehhh!

And according to my sources the Afro is an improvement!

You can't fly, and you suck.


Boilerplate: ICFF (C) 2004 Ewan McGregor, Alexander Whiteside and Jonathan Whiteside
ICFF will take no responsibility for any damage caused to the psyche as a result of reading this comic.

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