Art by Ewan "Pyromaniac" McGregor
Written by Alexander Whiteside
Co-written by Jonathan "Riddle Me This" Whiteside
Various Unspecified Things by Colin Whiteside
Original Idea by Iain Snell. Blame him, not us.
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There would be a comic today, but my digestive system apparently decided to suffer some kind of critical failure about halfway through the artistic process, so I'm just posting something I prepared earlier. Comic'll be either tuesday or wednesday, depending on whether I'm capable of movement tommorrow morning.

Truth be told, I probably brought this upon myself through failure to put anything in my stomach for extended periods of time, sporadically interspaced with excessive consumption of cheese and onion crisps.

Ugh, sorry. I'm starting to make little sense even to myself, I get verbose when I'm tired.

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Boilerplate: ICFF (C) 2004 Ewan McGregor, Alexander Whiteside and Jonathan Whiteside
ICFF will take no responsibility for any damage caused to the psyche as a result of reading this comic.

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