Art by Ewan "Pyromaniac" McGregor
Written by Alexander Whiteside
Co-written by Jonathan "Riddle Me This" Whiteside
Various Unspecified Things by Colin Whiteside
Original Idea by Iain Snell. Blame him, not us.
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Well another belated special but this one seems to reflect some of my feelings towards the just past US hoe-down...err, election. Does the comic take political viewpoints? Nah, just the most obvious and morally right ones (to a point anyway). So fun comic, especially the part where Joel decides to cut a power line instead of the red ribbon (to open some shopping centre out of shot), heh.

Well I'll be back in a few weeks with this ones follow up, I know it's unusual for a JMB to have ANY sort of continuity but well I couldn't be bothered making another fscking big one like albuquerque so nyaaah! And be ready for the upcoming Crucible special which will likely be a JMB unless I (or Joel (or even shonagh??)) can convince Ewan to draw it? It's a great play!!



For the record.

The views expressed by "me" in this comic bear no relation to my real views. In real life I'm a leftist pinko commie subversive.

Get it right ya stupid capitalist running dog.


Ahh but I doessss, you are an impossssster! Hisssssss!!! I, the real Ewan doessss enjoy facissssm, gunsssss and eating babies! Otherwissse explain thisss picture taken of him.....ehh, me!


- Pyrossssssssssssss

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Boilerplate: ICFF (C) 2004 Ewan McGregor, Alexander Whiteside and Jonathan Whiteside
ICFF will take no responsibility for any damage caused to the psyche as a result of reading this comic.

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