Art by Ewan "Pyromaniac" McGregor
Written by Alexander Whiteside
Co-written by Jonathan "Riddle Me This" Whiteside
Various Unspecified Things by Colin Whiteside
Original Idea by Iain Snell. Blame him, not us.
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Hot Dog, Jumping Frog, Albuquerque!!

Well without a doubt this JMB is the wierdest and most sureal, even for me! As to "Why Oh God WHY!!!" at my work there is a radio, and on this radio this song played over and over and over until I almost screamed!! But as it trundled around my head I came up with new lyrics for the chorus which was wierd enough already! And yes those are the actual lyrics, only the chorus has been changed. Heh, its still funny though!



Let me repeat that: OMFG. Ahem. Anyway, I'm finally nailing things down properly in the scripts, now we've just got to talk Ewan into putting some more effort in to drawing them. ;)

Boilerplate: ICFF (C) 2004 Ewan McGregor, Alexander Whiteside and Jonathan Whiteside
ICFF will take no responsibility for any damage caused to the psyche as a result of reading this comic.

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